
Postoperative Ventricular Septal Defect

排除标准 Exclusion Criteria

  • 患者具有症状
  • 超声发现任意大小的残留室间隔缺损
  • 患者具有异常的胸部X线
  • 患者具有异常心电图(除孤立的右束支传导阻滞)(except isolated right bundle branch block)
  • 患者具有短暂性围手术期2或3级房室传导阻滞 (transient perioperative second- or third-degree atriventricular block)
  • 患者具有持续的术后肺动脉高压迹象(evidence of persistent postoperative pulmonary arterial hypertension)
  • 关闭室间隔缺损手术使用了左心室切开(A left ventriculotomy is used for surgical closure of the ventricular septal defect)
  • 患者具有脊上型出口或入口室间隔缺损(supraacristal outlet or inlet ventricular septal defect)


For this algorithm, "Time 0" is the first postoperative, out of hospital visit after resolution of all perioperative problems such as pleural effusions, pericardial effusions, and postoperative fevers or wound infections. In general, this visit will occur within 3 months of the hospital discharge.
