排除标准 Exclusion Criteria临床发现非典型静息状态下超声多普勒测定最高瞬时压力差大于40mmHg (The Doppler peak instantaneous gradient is >=40mmHg measured under resting conditions)患者具有异常心电图(除轻度右心室肥大)(except only mild right ventricular hypertrophy)患者具有异常心电图(除孤立的右束支传导阻滞)(except isolated right bundle branch block)患者肺动脉瓣发育不全(dysplastic pulmonary valve)
临床协议说明For this algorithm, "Time 0" is the initial evaluation by a pediatric cardiologist. The algorithm provides for detection of an increasing transpulmonary gradient. The committee agreed that echocardiographic studies were essential for assessing the severity of pulmonary stenosis. Since progressive severity is highly unlikely in a patient with initially mild (<40 mm Hg) pulmonary stenosis, more than three echocardiographic studies of a patient with a persistent transpulmonary gradient less than 40 mm Hg are probably unnecessary.返回临床协议首页